Where to get your health tests
Here are the links to make it easy to get your health tests:
Orivet Full Breed Profile
All in one swab you can get the results for DNA plus:
prcd-PRA, AHRN (FN), EIC and BHFD plus you can add on additional tests
The colour testing is also done by Orivet and is useful when finding out what colours your dogs carry genes for.
Adult Onset Neuropathy
This test is done in the USA only at this stage, and you need to order your swab and return the swab for testing to the USA. Please remember to list the breed as ENGLISH Cocker Spaniel, otherwise if you just say Cocker Spaniel the results will get skewed with the ACS (American Cocker Spaniel, known only as Cocker Spaniel in the USA).
CHED (Canine Hip and Elbows Dysplasia Scheme)
Hip and Elbow Scoring
Have your animal xrayed at your chosen Veterinarian and send the xray away to a CHED Panellists
The score is then recorded on the ORCHID database
Our Club Code of Ethics encourages all members to undertake the above testing as a minimum requirement before any breeding is undertaken and to provide the results to all puppy buyers for both parents, and share the information with other fanciers via the Cocker Spaniel World Wide Database.
If you need any help with understanding the testing regime please do contact the Club.
Contact Details
The Secretary, Cocker Spaniel Club of Qld IncBrisbane, QLD, Australia
Email : cscqldinc@gmail.com